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Wordpress themes, plugins and tips

Entries for the ‘Wordpress’ Category

WordPress 3.0 “Thelonious” has been released

The long waited new wordpress version is finally out. After months of announcements, testings and fixing the bug-free version is out. What wordpress 3.0 has new ? A new default theme, menu management, wordpress MU integration and a lighter admin panel.

The new WordPress 3.0

The final version of WordPress 3.0 was not released yet, but the release candidate version version number 3 is available, this means not much will change only some bug fixes if there are any. I tested the Beta Version few weeks ago, sharing my first thougths on wordpress 3, but today i started to implement […]

Convenience and WordPress Multi-Site

The nature of humans is in a continuous searching for convenience. We buy stuff online because we don’t want to go to the store, we use the TV remote, etc. We like to be comfortable. In business we don’t call it convenience, instead we call it efficiency. The real problem is where we draw the […]

First thoughts on WordPress 3.0

Few days ago the WordPress team released the WordPress 3.0 beta for us to test. I’ve waited for a long time for an opportunity to give it a real test. I will share my thoughts with you as i install and go trough it’s main features. The installation looks the same, but something i can […]

How to make your wordpress more Website friendly with Genesis

WordPress Genesis is a theme framework that adds the functionality of about 20 plugins to your wordpress website. It is designed to quick turn you wordpress into a website. Genesis have a lot of features that will help your website. For example: Breadcrumbs, customized menus, featured pages, featured posts, and others. It also comes with […]

Publish posts immediately or schedule

Some bloggers prefer to postpone the date when an article is published while others want to publish immediately. There are advantages and disadvantages for postponing posts. You have to think both for website readers and rss readers too. For rss readers is not a big change, anyway they read articles at a later date, but […]

Why I decided to move all my websites to WordPress

Until 3 months ago, i used to build sites on normal HTML templates that i selected from the web. First i made a header.php file, sidebar.php file, footer.php file, things were simple, until the SEO started to concern me. At that point i realized that is a bad idea to have the same title for […]

A simple way to add thumbnails to your posts

A sure thing is that people like images. They tend to look to a image or a video instead of reading something. They will read too, but it is unlikely to read something before they are catch with a big headline or an image. They don’t like to waste time, they want to read only […]

I wish to a perfect WordPress

I am happy with wordpress, i can do whatever i want, despite i still do many things from the code. Working with the code is not a problem for me, but it is for my clients. I tested wordpress advanced templates, theme frameworks or plugins to enhance wordpress usability, but the results are still far […]

How far can you go with wordpress

Things that make wordpress so powerful are:  plugins and themes. If you find the right themes and you install the right plugins you can turn your wordpress site in a great website. A great debate among web developers is either to use wordpress, other CMS or to make something custom. Few years ago i was […]